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  • The PHP Admin Panel - 5.0.0

    Irimia Octavian
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    The PHP Admin Panel is an OOP framework that helps you create a powerful and complex interface with just a simple configuration, based on a main database table. As example, to create a section where you can manage products from your database, you'll need to create a configuration file and:
    - set your main table (the one that keeps your products)
    - the primary key
    - a list of fields that you need to manage
    All done! Now you can enjoy a great interface.

    Main features of the PHP Admin Panel

    * You can choose to access the application only from a provided list of IPs.

    * Secure login system with advanced settings.

    * Multiple users and easy to use roles and privileges for each section.

    * Log user actions - each login, insert, update, delete.

    * Private messages between your users.

    * Listing of a database table (and custom foreign keys) with automated pagination.

    * Activate trash to be able to restore your deleted items.

    * Multiple filters for your records, multiple delete and sorting.

    * Avoid duplicates when insert and update.

    * Easy update with a great Ajax interface.

    * Multilanguage support, easy to translate, change and import from a CSV file.

    * Advanced auto save system for your forms.

    * Custom hashing system (it's easy to create safe passwords).

    * Auto complete (jQuery-UI) for your text fields.

    * Multiple association field (example: add multiple tags for some article).

    * Input validation rules for text or files (email, digits and others OR create your own rules).

    * Upload single or multiple files and associate with your records.

    * Resize, rotate, watermark, filters for images.

    * PHP PDO database integration (with MySql) - no SQL injection.

    * Smarty templates and easy to create new themes.

    * Import CSV and control duplicate key update.

    * Export CSV with current filtering and sorting.

    * Powerful mass-update. Update multiple fields at once with few clicks.

    * Custom email notification after submit (update, delete, insert).

    * Custom action (callback) after submit (update, delete, insert).

    * Custom graphics for your records with Google Charts.

    * Easy to duplicate existing records.

    * Easy to create a database backup.

    System Requirements:

    - PHP 7.0+
    - Apache 2+
    - MySql 5+