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KoolReport Pro Developer License Electronic $199.00 $199.00
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Total price: $199.00
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We recommend the following products which complement the products in your shopping cart. To add a product to your shopping list check the box next to the product name and press 'Add to cart'.
Perpetual Usage For Developer License

Perpetual Usage For Developer License allows you to continue using KoolReport Pro after your Developer License is expired. Note that Perpetual Usage only grant right to use but does not include Support and Upgade.

Perpetual Usage, Upgrade and Support For Developer License

Perpetual Usage, Upgrade and Support For Developer License allows you to continue using KoolReport Pro forever. Also you are entitled Forever Uprade and Support meaning that you can upgrade to latest versions and receive support from us at anytime.

Dashboard Framework Developer License

Dashboard Framework is built on top of KoolReport Pro to facilitate dashboard construction. It contains a sleek design of modern dashboard, strong data handling and myriad of types of data visualization.

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